Definition of Negative Correlation

Negative Correlation is a Correlation between two factors in which one varying improves as the other reduces, and the other way around.

In research, an ideal negative Correlation is presented by the value -1.00, while a 0.00 indicates no Correlation and a +1.00 indicates an ideal positive Correlation. An ideal negative Correlation indicates the Correlation that prevails between two factors is negative 100% of that time frame.
Negative Correlation is used in research to look at the amount that a alternation in one varying can impact an opposite alternation in another varying. To evaluate of a routine of the negative Correlation between the two factors, experts run a regression research. This process provides experts with a computation of R-squared (R2), which is the mathematical evaluate of how well one varying forecasts the value of another varying. If the R2 between two individual items is close to 1, it indicates they are favorably associated. If, however, R2 skews to a damaging decimal number, it shows the Correlation between the two factors is negative.
For example, the a longer period a individual usually spends at the shopping center purchasing products, the less money he has in his bank verifying account.

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