Definition of Redemption of Units

Redemption of Units

Redemption of Units refers to the process where investors convert their mutual fund units or shares in a trust or fund into cash.

Brief Explanation

Investors seeking to liquidate their holdings in mutual funds or unit investment trusts can initiate a redemption process. This involves contacting a broker/dealer, submitting a redemption form and potentially selling their shares on the secondary market. The redemption request is subject to market conditions and may involve fees like the redemption fee or exit load.


For instance, a mutual fund investor decides to sell their shares. They submit a redemption request through their financial advisor. Depending on the fund’s policies and market conditions, the sale proceeds are received, often factoring in any applicable exit load or redemption fee.

Process for Redemption of Units

1. Contact Financial Advisor: Engage with a financial professional to initiate the process.
2. Submit Redemption Form: Complete and submit the required form to the investment company.
3. Sale of Units: The units are sold either back to the fund (direct redemption) or on the secondary market.
4. Receiving Funds: The investor receives cash to post the settlement period, considering the business day operations and market risk.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a Unit Redemption Agreement?
-A legal document outlining the terms and conditions of redeeming units in a mutual fund or investment trust.

How Do You Redeem Something?
-By submitting a redemption request to the fund manager or through a financial advisor, adhering to the fund’s redemption mechanism.

What are Redeemable Units?
-These are units or shares in a mutual fund or investment trust that can be converted into cash.


Redemption of units in mutual funds or trusts like closed-end funds or unit investment trusts involves understanding the redemption process, tax implications, and market conditions. Investors should consult financial advisors to understand the potential benefits, tax efficiency, and impact of redemptions on their long-term investment horizon.

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